Wednesday 22 March 2017

55. Teachings of Sree Rama Krishna Parama Hamsa

Sree Rama Krishna Parama Hamsa

Sree Sarada Maatha


If you feel proud, do it in the thought that you are the servant of God, the son of God. Great men have the nature of children. They are always children before God, so they have no egoism. All their strength is of God-belonging to and coming from Him, nothing of themselves.
When the idea has been perfectly assimilated, the man will retain only the appearance of having the feelings and impulses of his won. Even if the egotism of the servant or the worshiper should remain, he who has attained to God can hurt none. The whole sting of personality has vanished. The sword has become gold by the touch of the philosopher’s stone. It keeps its form but cannot wound again.


Relationship between Guru and disciple

A man was disputing about the character of his Guru when the Master said, “Why are you wasting your time in this futile discussion? Take the pearl and throw away the oyster-shell. Meditate on the Mantra given to you by the Guru and leave out of consideration the human frailties of the teacher.”
Listen not to any one censuring your Guru. The Guru is greater than your father and mother. Would you keep quiet when your father and mother are insulted in your presence? Fight, if necessary, and maintain the honor of your Guru.

The disciple should never criticize his Guru. He must implicitly obey whatever the Guru says. A certain couplet in Bengali says: “Though my Guru may visit the tavern, still my Guru is holy Ray- Nityananda; though my Guru may visit the unholy haunts of drunkards and sinners, still to me he is my own pure and faultless Guru.”



The Avatars are born with Divine powers and Divine qualities. They can go into and stay in any state of realization from the highest to the lowest. In a king’s palace a stranger can go only to the outer quarters, but the king’s own child, the prince of the house, is free to go to every corner.


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