Saturday 18 March 2017



All events of life whether pleasant or unpleasant, whether progressive or regressive, whether flowing or obstructive are all purposive and do contribute for the evolution of the soul. The soul progresses from incarnation to incarnation, through varieties of experiences gained from each of the incarnations. In some aspects the soul gets fulfilled and in some other aspects it remains unfulfilled. Until there is all-round fulfillment the soul continues to incarnate. The rich needs to experience poverty, the poor need to experience the riches. The healthy needs to experience the sickness and the sick needs to experience health. Thus the presence and absence of every aspect of life need to be experienced. Ultimately he needs to experience birth and death, masculinity and femininity as well.

The Lord when incarnated as Krishna, He demonstrated total fulfillment. He expressed the 64 splendors of creation relating to 64 sciences of wisdom. He is the way; he is the goal of perfection. The soul needs to emulate, draw inspiration and move forward towards fulfillment through evolution.

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