Saturday 18 March 2017

34. Healing --------- Lord Maitreya


Man today is very alert and very careful in money matters. His Sradha for money is by and large very high. The reason being his belief in money that it is the means for all his fulfilments. When he is sick he feels the importance of health. When he is not sick he coolly forgets about it. His Sradha in health is intermittent. Man needs to look to his health first and wealth next. Health enables voyaging in the river currents of life.
Wealth is only supportive. When he cares not for the health he disturbs the equilibrium of the 5 elements in the body and the disturbed elements lead him to further sickness. Man needs to observe the treasure of the 5 elements more than the outward treasures. When the inner treasures are intact his voyage through life is peaceful. He therefore needs to observe if there is excessive matter or water or fire or air in him.

Anything that is in excess or in shortage breeds sicknesses. He needs to restitute the 5 elements in him. This is the real way to heal oneself. He can also work to purify and restitute the elements around him through prevention of pollution. It is also an act of healing. Today’s ills are mostly due to polluted matter, water, air and pollution through the smoke of fire. Remember, if you disturb elements the elements in turn disturb you.

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