Monday 20 March 2017

44.Parama Shanthi ------- Master Morya


I spoke to you before of Shanthi and Prashanthi. I informed you that one relates to the peace of the outer and one relates to the peace of the inner. They are attainable through such virtues as obedience to the laws of nature, serving the fellow beings, abstaining from irregular speech, ensuring an active day without excessive waste of time and so on. From Shanthi one needs to enter into Prashanthi. Prashanthi is in the inner chambers relating to you. From Prashanthi one can attain through Tapas, Parama Shanthi. This Parama Shanthi is called by Gautama, the Buddha as Nirvana.
Parama Shanthi or Nirvana means becoming one with the One Existence and not feeling the individual self. It is like the wave merging into the ocean. Only the oceanic existence prevails. Thus the steps to Nirvana can be seen as Shanthi, Prashanthi, Tapas, and Parama-Shanthi. Christ speaks of this Nirvana when he says, “I and my Father in the Heaven are but one.”


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