Monday 20 March 2017

39. Sradha and Nishta ------ Lord Sree Krishna

 Sradha and Nishta
----Lord Sree Krishna

Knowledge yields to the one who has Sradha and Nishta. Such knowledge bestows eternal bliss. (4/39)
Sradha means constant inspiration. It never decreases due to circumstances. It carries the same intent. There is no gushing of inspiration as is common with many aspirants. Inspiration should flow like an eternal clean stream, but not as a flood with much mud in it. Initially the inspiration gushes forth to an aspirant. When it gushes forth, it quickly dries up. There are aspirants who start much activity with a bang and after a few years they get defused and dried up of inspiration. They cannot consistently and constantly workout the same inspiration. Consistent and constant vibration coupled with inspiration constitutes Sradha. When one embarks upon a work of inspiration he should continue to be with it with the same consistency and constancy of vibration for long years. It has to be continuous too. The science of wisdom demands long years of continuous, consistent and constant functioning towards a noble aspect of life. This would develop a stable mind. Dabbling in too many things and not doing anything tangible does not help. Discontinuance does not help. Inconsistencies have to be arrested. Constancy has to be established. Inspiration should be kept alive through daily worship. When these are fulfilled, one is said to carry the quality of Sradha. To such ones knowledge yields.
The one with Sradha is alert in the Present and is not preoccupied with the Past or the Future. Being alert he attends to the Present to feel the Presence. Absence of Sradha is indicated by forgetfulness. It leads to mistakes. The ones with Sradha are focused on Present and do not defuse towards the results. Such ones move forward in the Path of Knowledge.

Nishta means consecration with focused attention. Sradha leads to Nishta. The focused attention is upon ‘That’ in everything. The consecration is also towards ‘That’. In the material world people get a lot of success through Sradha and Nishta. They are the same qualities required for moving into the subtle world. By consecrating oneself towards the Divine and focussing attention upon the Divine, when one acts in the mundane world with consistency, constancy and inspiration he would experience the occult side of the Creation and gets delighted. He learns to see beyond the veils of mundane Nature. He sees various forces at action behind the mundane nature. He further sees the Soul behind the veil of various forces. To him the veils of Isis (Maya) are unveiled. To such one the Eternal Bliss dawns along with the knowledge of the soul and its nature.

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