Monday 20 March 2017

49. The Kingly Way ------- Master KT


Help yourself. Help others too. Seek-not help as far as possible. This is a commandment.

The one who helps oneself is the one who has the ability to help others. The person who intends helping others while he himself is helpless is a fool. Once there lived a king who could not sleep well. He called forth his teacher and sought solution. The teacher advised to inspect thoroughly the bed on which he sleeps. The king instructed the servants to make a thorough inspection of the bed and found a small pebble under the cushion of the bed. The pebble was removed, the king tried to sleep the next night. But he could not sleep. He again summoned the teacher and sought solution. The teacher advised again that he should thoroughly examine the bed. The king again instructed the servants. The servants inspected and found a dead insect under the cushion. The king was angry on the servants for their complacence. He tried to sleep for the 3rd night and again failed. He summoned the teacher again. The teacher again advised as before. The king this time inspected the bed himself and found a piece of magnet under the bed. He removed it and tried to sleep. He could sleep. Next day morning he invited the teacher to thank the teacher. The teacher said, “Dear king, it is not the pebble or the insect or the magnet that caused sleeplessness to you. It’s your lethargy to attend to your own simple duties. You have not been able to carry out your duties. You found comfort in delegating, what you needed to do personally. What you need to do by yourself, if you don’t, you cannot do anything for others and for the kingdom. Learn to do yourself what you need to do and delegate to others what others need to do. Help yourself and help others. Do not seek help. This is the kingly way to live.

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