Monday 20 March 2017

51.The value of sleep ------ Master KT


Many glamour to meditate, but their own nature forms a stumbling block to get into the meditative state. From their nature they get an array of irregular thoughts many times disturbing and discomforting. One’s nature is the dweller at the threshold for those who strive to get into the meditative state. The reason for a strong dweller at the threshold is the activity of the mind throughout the day. The dweller cannot be overcome so very easily until and unless one synthesizes the activity, food and rest of the day. The key to gaining quiet nature is in following the laws of right relationship and to daily associate with the knowledge of eternity. When these two are coupled with an orderly daily activity one’s nature calms down. The ability to do so depends upon one’s linkage with the objectivity. The linkage could be bondage when it develops obligatory Karma due to one’s own ignorance.
I am sure by narrating the above you are more discouraged than encouraged to walk the path of occultism. That is not the purpose of this title. The best way to set a good routine is to ensure good and regular hours of sleep. All aspirants are strongly recommended to give high value to sleep. Let not other priorities disturb the attempt to rhythmise sleep. Let your sleep be set to a rhythm. Students are recommended to retire to bed at the least by 10:30 in the evening and wake up by 5:00 o’clock in the morning. Remember that the sleep hours are hours of meditation. Consciously prepare and get into the sleep. This is much more helpful than meditation for the aspirants.


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