Monday 20 March 2017

48. Belief and Science -------- Master KT


The age of Kali led people into a paradox. People feel destitute and deserted when there is a program to protect preserve and save.
In every tradition on the globe, we find the stories of protecting-angels. We also find stories of protecting-saviors. Many fairy tales exist about the protecting-angels, which the grandparents narrate to the grandchildren. Nascent as they are, children believe better in the protecting-angels than the grown-ups. Can we really call them grown-ups, when they narrate what they do not believe?

A child in the west easily believes in Santa Claus. A child in India, likewise, instantly believes in Hanuman and Ganesha. But as humans grow they lose their beliefs somewhere on the way. The grown-ups believe that they have enough reason. But is it reasonable to jettison a value without a scientific enquiry into it? Science cannot develop sceptics. Science should develop dispassionate inquirers. Be inquiring. Be dispassionate in your inquiry. Then you will find the truth in protection. Do you know that all beliefs are scientific? Only the science relating to them is lost.

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