Monday 20 March 2017

42. Neither here nor there ------ Master Morya


We the teachers have a problem. We teach. People listen and appreciate. They praise our teaching and us. They propagate us. They propagate our pictures. They bow down before our pictures. They build temples and meditation centers in our name.But, we teach to pupils with a fond hope that they follow the teachings in their life. This they do not do. They do everything other than this. If we insist on practicing our teachings, they would run away. This is our problem.Many teachings have come and gone. They get stored in cave temples, in the ashrams, in the libraries and in the bookshelves of the aspirants. They would even decorate their bookshelves with our books. But they do not read. And those who read do not practice.We keep on teaching. And the listeners keep on listening. One in a million acts upon the teaching. Others don’t. Do you know why it is so? The ans­wer we know is selfishness. Selfishness cuts across all activity meant for soul progress.We also find a danger with some of the listeners. They do not follow the teachings in their life but pretend as though they are. These are the dangerous ones who lead others into illusion and even lead themselves also into illusion. These are the self-deceived ones who get into a loophole of awareness. They are irretrievable. They neither belong to the world of light nor the world of matter.

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