Monday 7 November 2016

9 - The Work of God ---- Master E.K.


Medicines never cure diseases. They construct the tissues every minute in a systematic way in the constitution. There is an intelligent force in the constitution with several workers (devas) working under its supervision. We do not know about these workers. They only allow us to take oxygen inside and send carbon-dioxide outside even though we are not aware of oxygen and carbon-dioxide. There is a vital force or etheric-force which immediately responds when we touch fire unknowingly and takes back the hands without taking permission from us. It knows about shape and our activity and it takes care of the suitable food and drinks to be taken into our body and conducts the flow of blood inside our body. God made the creation and never created pain, but with uncommon-sense by doing wrong things with wrong connections we are creating pain ourselves. Hence, common sense is very much required to work correctly. HPB remarks on common-sense that it is wrongly called as common-sense because it is rarely used. Pain comes only through our misbehavior with our food, drink, sleep, work, sex and intelligence. Pain is given to us only not to continue with the same misbehavior again. Do not believe that pain is a punishment given either by GOD or nature. GOD will never punish us. Our misbehavior only punishes us.    

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