
Arise! Awake! Stop not! till the goal is reached.
Strength is life. Weakness is death
If money is lost, nothing is lost
If health is lost, something is lost
If character is lost, everything is lost

- · There are 3 great powers within us as said by Swamy Vivekananda. They are:
Concentrating on your work properly to get right
Not allowing all other things into your mind
other than what you are concentrating.
Total absorption into the one on which you are
focusing for hours and days together without any interruption.
By acquiring these powers, an
ordinary man would become an extraordinary man.
Do the work whatever it is with
fullest possible attention. Make it habituated throughout the life to become
successful in what you do. So, live consciously always in what you do (When you
talk, walk, eat, drink etc.)
------------------Swamy Sarva Priyananda.
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