Monday 7 November 2016

10 - Master the Action, Neutrality, Belief ------Master E.K.


Occurrence of thought is not in human hands. Man has the discrimination and freedom to execute or not to execute the thought that occurs to him. The happening of work as planned is again not within his hands. What man can do is, pick up the right thoughts for action and act. He is not the Master of results. He can master the action. It is time that man knows this.


NEUTRALITY (Detachment)

Courage, Discriminative-will, Alignment of Thought-Speech-Action, Peaceful attitude are born qualities for some. The groundwork relating to them could have been done in the past. To acquire them much effort is needed in the present and that effort has to be action with neutrality as basis. Neutrality is the key to action for the disciple on the Path.



Man thinks that he is reasonable. He believes that he is after truth, happiness and realization of what he feels unrealized. But the reasoning of man is bound by his own nature, which guides him and makes him respond to himself and the environment only in terms of his present stage in evolution. This is true as much with individuals as it is with society, nations and races.

I have come down to earth not to be worshipped by crazy dreamers as their GOD once again in a new name, but I am here to be realized by the workers as their own expression of work. I am yourself uttered forth as your own master. You have no second to yourself the I AM in you. Let east and west be fused in ME, the I AM of all. Let you live, work and realize ME in you.


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