Friday 18 November 2016

23 - Sree Satya Sai Baba Teachings-1

Bhagawan Sree Satya Sai Baba


A time honored proverb says "Na Sukhaath Labhyathe Sukham" - Real and lasting happiness cannot be won through physical pleasures. Lasting happiness can come only by the discipline of the mind and faith in the Lord which cannot be diminished by good or bad fortune.

Man has to use the power of discrimination given to him to fight the evil forces within him and to foster the Divine elements in him by his own effort, by listening to the voice of his conscience. Man has to use the freedom to discriminate between right and wrong, good and evil. - Baba

Sorrows and disasters are the clouds that flit across the sky; they cannot injure the blue depths of space of faith. Look upon joy and sorrow as teachers of hardihood and balance. Grief is a friendly reminder, a good taskmaster, even a better teacher than joy. Do not flinch in the face of grief. Welcome the test because thereafter you are awarded the certificate.
It is to measure your progress that tests are imposed.


22 - Bhagavad Gita Teachings-1

21 - General Proverbs

Meditation means becoming aware of the soul and tuning the personality to the soul.

-        Master D.K.

Thursday 17 November 2016

20 - Teachings of Swamy Vivekananda


Arise! Awake! Stop not! till the goal is reached.

Strength is life. Weakness is death

If money is lost, nothing is lost
If health is lost, something is lost
If character is lost, everything is lost

  • ·        There are 3 great powers within us as said by Swamy Vivekananda. They are:

1.      Concentrating on your work properly to get right understanding,
2.      Not allowing all other things into your mind other than what you are concentrating.
3.      Total absorption into the one on which you are focusing for hours and days together without any interruption.
By acquiring these powers, an ordinary man would become an extraordinary man.
Do the work whatever it is with fullest possible attention. Make it habituated throughout the life to become successful in what you do. So, live consciously always in what you do (When you talk, walk, eat, drink etc.)

                                                                                   ------------------Swamy Sarva Priyananda.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

19 - Solution to Rajasic ---------- Master E.K.


The persons conditioned by Rajas are hyperactive. They feel compelled to do one thing or the other. When they do not have enough constructive work they indulge into other’s work and constantly disturb them. They cannot but disturb others.

Persons conditioned by Rajas instinctively carry authority, pride and jealousy. They are possessive. They possess not only things but also people. They constantly disturb the equilibrium.

The solace to this class of persons is to look to the clean sky and meditate. And look to still-waters of a lake and meditate. To observe the gentle breeze, the flowers, the trees, which are in movement, but in gentle movement. Inwardly they can look to the heartbeat, link-up to it and stay put, daily for 72 minutes.

The persons with Rajas can turn out to be diabolic unless they take care to transform themselves through the above practices into self-equilibrium.


18 - Education in the New Age --------- Master E.K.

Education in the New Age

Public schools that are commercial or semi-commercial are not helpful to give right education. If a child has something to imitate from their parents, there is everything we can take from these education lights.
Harmony in the family members should be established through right practices of human life in their home so that the right relationships exist between wife and husband, parents and children, family and the society. This makes them to taste and enjoy the meaning of the word companionship in its true sense. Such a family lives like a brick of the society. There is a need to promote this message in our families and friends to follow the same to enjoy the benefits of the human life.
Agriculture and cattle form should be taken as the main items of education. This is one of the major objectives of real education.
Triangle of symbiosis = Triangle of Education, which is formed by plant, animal and minerals as 3 vertices and human being at the centre of the triangle. This is given a higher importance in the words of Master E.K. A child should be taught about this by their elders to know the following:
Ø  How the animal eats the plant.
Ø  How the plant needs the matter of animals to grow (example, in the form of excrete)
Ø  How the plant needs the mineral kingdom
Ø  How the mineral kingdom needs the plant by way of making the soil fertile for agriculture.
Ø  How the animal requires mineral kingdom
Ø  How the minerals require the animal kingdom
Ø  How the human being can be benefited by the plants without killing them.
Ø  How the human benefit the plant by doing agriculture and farm vocations.
Ø  How the human should serve the animal and help it.
Ø  How the human derives the help of the animal by eating the materials of the animal without killing it.
Ø  How the human has to enrich the minerals of the earth
Ø  How minerals of earth help him by way of nutrition, medication and rectification.

A child should also be taught about another triangle called socio-economic triangle by their elders as given below:
Socio-Economic Triangle: (Benefit/Remuneration- Personal requirements- Work)
Work to get remuneration.  Using remuneration, fulfill all our needs and comforts. - To maintain our state of comfort, again start working. This threefold process should be continued forever. That is, the process through which we are getting our livelihood should be continued forever to keep our self fit and happy. Then work will become impersonalized. Through impersonal working (Yagnyardha karma) we can taste the real happiness in the life.  
When adjustment is there, multiplication will be there. That is, through impersonal working (offering) one can surely develop in their life.
When possessive nature is there, killing will be there. That is, selfishness of a person takes him to self-destruction.
Vocational Cross:
Classification of children should be made into 4 groups by the professors according to their birth talents. According to the classification, give them the education.
Teachers, learners, thinkers, philosophers and reformers form the first group.
The advanced thought of mankind will be with them.
Ex: Law of nature, Law of creation, Human law, Ethical law, Penal law
Administration, Politics, Military and Police forms the Second group.
Merchants, animal husbandry, animal tending forms the Third group.
Various crafts – stone work, stone cutters, house builders, brick makers, carpenters, blacksmith, technicians, technologists forms the Fourth group
A child (14 – 16 years of age) should be taught and understand this 4 fold division of professions.
During first 10 years of the child, his intellect should be taken care. That is, feeding information to his mind through his 5 senses should be filtered and guided properly. Observation should be developed. Rapid response to the environment should be trained into. Physical coordination to the environment in a timely way should be trained. That means, the child should be taught to hear and to see to make contacts and to use his judgments. No technical education should be given before 10 years of age. He should be made aware of using his senses and mind properly. He should understand that the senses and mind are very valuable and an unconscious use of this instrument should be avoided. Most of the elders are also using this instrument unconsciously, that would be avoided by training their children for the first time.  His fingers should respond to creative impulses to make & produce what he sees and what he hears. To produce what he sees, he requires a paper and a pencil. To produce what he hears is his fingers and toes – respond to the music. This is done at the age of 10. We should not show the seriousness of teaching to him before 10 years of his age. A training of feelings and sensations which forms the basis of knowledge should be given to him. This is the first step.

During second 10 years, train his mind to become dominant. But not dominating.


17 - Trap of Desire, Sistas, Meditation ------ Master E.K.


Desire is God given gift. Gifts of God are invaluable, but then the knowledge of utilizing the gifts is as valuable as the gift itself. When the gift of desire is not well applied one creates to oneself a life of misery.
There are many teachings and books that tell us what to desire and what not to desire, when to desire when not to desire, how to desire and how not to desire and so on. Such ones who desire according to these teachings and books also find themselves imprisoned in the consequences of their desires.

Do you know why desire is gifted to man by God? He gave it with a fond desire that you would desire him one day. Blessed are those who know the trick and the trap of desire.


“Those who worship the Divine, follow the Law and serve the saints are protected.” Protection does not mean that such ones do not face conflicts and crises. They too experience conflicts and crises but they will not get destroyed. In such crises they are insulated from such destruction while others normally get destroyed. They are saved like the good seeds that a farmer saves for the next cycle. All other seeds are ignored. They are called Sistas, the good ones. The good seeds amidst Atlanteans thus formed the nucleus for the Aryans. It is from these seeds roots emerged once again.
The new groups of world servers are expected to be the good seeds for the future cycles. The responsibility for every group member is to constitute oneself as a good seed for the future cycle.


Meditation means becoming aware of the soul and tuning the personality to the soul.


16 - Master E.K. Messages-1