Thursday 15 October 2020

78. Some Yoga Principles.

* Environment is the product of our mind. Hence, make sure that our environment to be good so that our mind would be good.

* I am in you. You do my work ( yoga practice). I will take care of your work. ---- Master CVV.

* Night 0 hrs prayer is the best one. This is why because,  during that time all the planets pointing towards earth.---- Master CVV.

* Happiness, Silence, Peace – They cannot be found in the external world. ------ Master EK.

* Jealousy is mental leprosy. ------ Lord Maitreya.

* Dissatisfaction is a mental disease. ---- Master EK.

* Obstacle mindedness is a mental disease. ----- Master EK.

* Meditate the following Gopala yantram in your mind whenever it is possible, this gives us victory as required in our life:

* Meditate the following Sree chakra yantra in your mind whenever it is possible, get out of stumbling in life. Daily do it and see the results of it:



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